Saturday, March 28, 2009

My good friend Tanner. He is looking at his dog, brock -- you may remember from an earlier post. Thus the cutey face. One of my best friends. Good man, and I like the picture.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We also took pretty pictures in the Austin botanical gardens. The light was not that great. But I got some workable shots. So not just karate shots. Awwww...


These totally awesome images, I took the other day. This family had all recently become black belts in karate. The mother wanted some pictures to commemorate the passing of this event. It was really fun. There were people all over this park. Guys on skate boards riding through our shot, girls with kites in the shot. Windy as it could be, and still take pictures. My light stands were falling over. Luckily Zach was there to catch them. Actually my sb 800 took a fall all the way down from the 6ft light stand. Rough. Has happened before. Love you Nikon. Anyway, here is the set-up:

sb 800 camera left. Sb 600 camera right. Zach on guard. Me a little bit down the hill so I am level with the subject on the bench.

High Speed Sync Flash on manual, full to 1/2 power, group A. Ambient exposure 2-3 stops down from the metered exposure. Add the light with flash. Commander mode. Nikkor 24-120mm. Love you Nikon Creative Lighting System.


And Zach.....Whats up?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I took these of the kids. More funny ones to come. I love them!

Thanks for looking!

A fleeting moment

I took this the other day in the middle of the shoot for Austin Montessori School. I was waiting for the next group of children to come to where I was set up. I was taking pictures right in front of this mountain laurel bush, and this butterfly was flitting about. It was quite nice to chase a butterfly around in the wind for only a few moments until the children arrived and I was working again.